* I am now clutching at straws for something to blog about and with nothing better to do. I am taking up this tag. Got it from Homecooked.*
Anyway, Happiness is
- A random sms/ telephone conversation with a friend
- A good book
- A game of basketball well played
- An unexpected Hug from somebody I love
- A killer pair of shoes
- Anything chocolatey
- Laughing with friends over the lamest jokes.
- The warm feeling I get when I go through old photographs and relive all the memories
- The satisfaction of something well-written and a project well-done
- Gossiping and sharing deep dark secrets with my best friends
- Hearing an ' I love you' or an 'I miss you' from a friend or family
- A long warm e-mail from a friend I haven't heard from in a while
- Dancing around by myself in the house.
- A beautiful photograph either mine or anybody else's.
- Traveling
- The excitement I feel when the plane just takes off
- Drinking and dancing with close friends
- Hot French Fries from McDonald's
- Random plans with friends
- Staring out of the window on a long train journey

- A sunset at a beach. This one's at Kanya kumari.
- People wishing me on my birthday. Makes me feel like I actually matter.
- Being told I've lost weight. ( The last three are all inspired by Homecooked.)
And whoever wants to, can take up this tag.
Tis' Fun
Anyway, Happiness is
- A random sms/ telephone conversation with a friend
- A good book
- A game of basketball well played
- An unexpected Hug from somebody I love
- A killer pair of shoes
- Anything chocolatey
- Laughing with friends over the lamest jokes.
- The warm feeling I get when I go through old photographs and relive all the memories
- The satisfaction of something well-written and a project well-done
- Gossiping and sharing deep dark secrets with my best friends
- Hearing an ' I love you' or an 'I miss you' from a friend or family
- A long warm e-mail from a friend I haven't heard from in a while
- Dancing around by myself in the house.
- A beautiful photograph either mine or anybody else's.
- Traveling
- The excitement I feel when the plane just takes off
- Drinking and dancing with close friends
- Hot French Fries from McDonald's
- Random plans with friends
- Staring out of the window on a long train journey
- A sunset at a beach. This one's at Kanya kumari.
- People wishing me on my birthday. Makes me feel like I actually matter.
- Being told I've lost weight. ( The last three are all inspired by Homecooked.)
And whoever wants to, can take up this tag.
Tis' Fun
Oh and you forgot to mention in the list, "Getting real nice comments on a post". :'( Give us commenters credit for something yaar! :P
Nice nice.... keep writing and don't disappear again. :)
and now u got me inspired to write something on happiness (broader perspective)
I'm happy that you liked the photograph. Took it this year on a trip to Kanyakumari with family.
@ Dusty Fog : Total mood lifter. I love playing music on my computer and then dancing around while I do other things
@ Moo : Yes yes, the commenters definitely make me happy. Just thought it was so obvious that I didn't really need to say it. :D
@ Wolf Counsellor : I'm glad you could relate. Makes me feel happier. Read your post. Loved it. And thank you for stopping here too.
The lame jokes one is so so true. These are the memories that stay with us forever. We are so so lucky. :)
Thanks for dropping by.