"Reading is a discount ticket to everywhere."- Mary Schmich
I'm one of those people who always and I mean always has a book in their bag. Whether I'm reading it for the first time, the second time or the 50th time has never mattered to me.
I read at home, in lectures, trains, buses, restaurants, the canteen, the bathroom.
I'm famous for reading anything, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. I've been known to read menus in restaurants for lack of other reading material. I was famous in school for walking down roads and reading books. There was even a rumour that I banged into a BEST bus because I was walking along and reading. Which by the way, is an absolute lie, I was racing along on a bicycle and well... Anyway that's a story for another day.
Books are truly my best friend. I love the way I feel when I walk into a library or a Crossword book store. The sight of all those books renders me speechless and all I want to do just then is start browsing through all the books immediately. To read each and everyone. To pile them up in my arms and take them home with me.
New books or old ones. Doesn't make much of a difference. I love the smell of new books. Of seeing the newly printed words marching across the page. Opening a book and burying my nose in its spine, inhaling that particular scent that only books have and that I'm in love with. Weird I know, but true.
And it's the same with old books. Perhaps even more so with new books. I love scrounging through raddiwala's stores. And all the raddiwalas around my locality and college know me. There's something very special about old books. About wondering who may have owned the book before you. The hands that thumbed through them. Their thoughts and opinions about the book. The inscriptions on the front page- "To Priya, Happy Birthday, With Love from U.Arjun."
The love and joy that those books exude.
I love reading newspapers too. And I read at least 4 a day, 5 if i can squeeze it in. Plus internet news. The Hindustan Times, the Times of India, the Mumbai Mirror and the Mid-Day. The Afternoon Dispatch and Courier as well.
Basically, I love reading. Period.
And that's where I don't understand people who say they don't read. How can you not read? How is that possible?
And I don't get people who don't read even newspapers. It strikes me as incredibly ignorant to not read at all. How can you not what to know what is going on in your world, your country, your city? How hard is it to pick up a newspaper and read? Not very, I'm sure.
And as for people who say, I prefer sleeping to reading. I have nothing at all to say. What kind of justification is that? In what way does sleeping make up for reading. It's not even on par. It just strikes me as incredible laziness.
Reading is a bliss like no other.
If only everybody would realise that.
I'm one of those people who always and I mean always has a book in their bag. Whether I'm reading it for the first time, the second time or the 50th time has never mattered to me.
I read at home, in lectures, trains, buses, restaurants, the canteen, the bathroom.
I'm famous for reading anything, anywhere, anyplace, anytime. I've been known to read menus in restaurants for lack of other reading material. I was famous in school for walking down roads and reading books. There was even a rumour that I banged into a BEST bus because I was walking along and reading. Which by the way, is an absolute lie, I was racing along on a bicycle and well... Anyway that's a story for another day.
Books are truly my best friend. I love the way I feel when I walk into a library or a Crossword book store. The sight of all those books renders me speechless and all I want to do just then is start browsing through all the books immediately. To read each and everyone. To pile them up in my arms and take them home with me.
New books or old ones. Doesn't make much of a difference. I love the smell of new books. Of seeing the newly printed words marching across the page. Opening a book and burying my nose in its spine, inhaling that particular scent that only books have and that I'm in love with. Weird I know, but true.
And it's the same with old books. Perhaps even more so with new books. I love scrounging through raddiwala's stores. And all the raddiwalas around my locality and college know me. There's something very special about old books. About wondering who may have owned the book before you. The hands that thumbed through them. Their thoughts and opinions about the book. The inscriptions on the front page- "To Priya, Happy Birthday, With Love from U.Arjun."
The love and joy that those books exude.
I love reading newspapers too. And I read at least 4 a day, 5 if i can squeeze it in. Plus internet news. The Hindustan Times, the Times of India, the Mumbai Mirror and the Mid-Day. The Afternoon Dispatch and Courier as well.
Basically, I love reading. Period.
And that's where I don't understand people who say they don't read. How can you not read? How is that possible?
And I don't get people who don't read even newspapers. It strikes me as incredibly ignorant to not read at all. How can you not what to know what is going on in your world, your country, your city? How hard is it to pick up a newspaper and read? Not very, I'm sure.
And as for people who say, I prefer sleeping to reading. I have nothing at all to say. What kind of justification is that? In what way does sleeping make up for reading. It's not even on par. It just strikes me as incredible laziness.
Reading is a bliss like no other.
If only everybody would realise that.
whenevr i´m in bbay, i land up in KINGS for something-anything to read!
But my love is reading n eating...ppl tell me its bad, but I guess I cn have one vice in life!
@ PJ: Yup, I know how that feels. I seem to spend most of my time in Crosswords. I love that place.
@ Tasha: I empathise totally. Reading and eating. I agree about the eating part. That sure is a vice. But reading? No way! Like it says outside my college library, Reading is an addiction with no side effects.