I've been supremely busy of late, with absolutely no energy to do anything other than what has been absolutely required of me, or I have not been forced into doing with a gun held to my head. To know why, refer to this post below this one.
And I've been feeling very badly about the fact that I was given not one, but two awards by Homecooked, which I was feeling too lazy to acknowledge and pass on to the rest of you.
But I'm feeling nice now, and in a mood, where I can barely keep my eyes open and do some actual work that I get paid for. So I'm going to just accept the awards while my boss thinks I'm being oh so diligent and doing major work, while I'm actually blogging. (*Raise your hand if you've done this before*). The tag I'll deal with later when I'm at home and Youtube isn't blocked.
So anyway, the first one is the very lovely Friends one.

And now out of the kindness of my heart I'm going to pass it on to
a) Moo- Because she IS a friend on the blog, and even more so off.
b) Mynie- Because I couldn't really ask for a better friend than her ever.
c) Neha- Because I want to.
d) Just call me A:- Because in the short period I've known her, she's been wonderful.
And the second one is one I'm very chuffed about.

I didn't even know I had a purpose. Much less I blogged with a purpose. But what the hey, you learn something new everyday. See that rhymed, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.
So anyway, I'm going to pass this on to:-
a) Perakath- Because he has a purpose.
b) The Mad Momma- Because she is purposeful
c) Moo (Yes I know it's her again)- Because, goddammit I couldn't think of why except I want to. So there.
P.S: I apologise to my all my awardees. I know this is no way to give out awards. I have beautiful reasons in my head, but I'm sleep deprived and inherently lazy. Combined they make for a deadly combination.
P.P.S: I have two awards at a time. Two. Count 'em again. My brilliance astounds me as does the levels of egoism I manage to reach.
*Goes off singing*
And I've been feeling very badly about the fact that I was given not one, but two awards by Homecooked, which I was feeling too lazy to acknowledge and pass on to the rest of you.
But I'm feeling nice now, and in a mood, where I can barely keep my eyes open and do some actual work that I get paid for. So I'm going to just accept the awards while my boss thinks I'm being oh so diligent and doing major work, while I'm actually blogging. (*Raise your hand if you've done this before*). The tag I'll deal with later when I'm at home and Youtube isn't blocked.
So anyway, the first one is the very lovely Friends one.

And now out of the kindness of my heart I'm going to pass it on to
a) Moo- Because she IS a friend on the blog, and even more so off.
b) Mynie- Because I couldn't really ask for a better friend than her ever.
c) Neha- Because I want to.
d) Just call me A:- Because in the short period I've known her, she's been wonderful.
And the second one is one I'm very chuffed about.

I didn't even know I had a purpose. Much less I blogged with a purpose. But what the hey, you learn something new everyday. See that rhymed, I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.
So anyway, I'm going to pass this on to:-
a) Perakath- Because he has a purpose.
b) The Mad Momma- Because she is purposeful
c) Moo (Yes I know it's her again)- Because, goddammit I couldn't think of why except I want to. So there.
P.S: I apologise to my all my awardees. I know this is no way to give out awards. I have beautiful reasons in my head, but I'm sleep deprived and inherently lazy. Combined they make for a deadly combination.
P.P.S: I have two awards at a time. Two. Count 'em again. My brilliance astounds me as does the levels of egoism I manage to reach.
*Goes off singing*
Oh wait, the last one is all me. :P
You've brighten my day a little bit more :)