I don't know if you've noticed, but I have a new blog template and I for one, am chuffed about it.
I keep coming back to check it out and marvel at how cool and professional my blog seems now. As opposed to my DIY template, that looked like a five year old had something to do it with.
Hopefully, it shall inspire me to post more too.
On the other hand though, I lost a lot of wonderful widgets. The clustermaps showing me where people were visiting from. My stat counter. And most importantly of all, those little numbers that showed me how many people had visited my blog in a year and a half of its existence. And to think I was almost up to 10,000. Out of which around 9,999 would have been obsessively checking.
Anyhoo, I shall be up and running full steam again soon.
As far as the speaker in the header goes, I seem to find myself doing a lot less whispering these days and a lot more yelling, shouting, screaming and generally being the loudest person wherever I go.
And now that I mention it, the idea of a new moniker has taken a hold of me. Should I change? Shouldn't I? Does Gentle Whispers really go with my posts?
What do YOU think?
I keep coming back to check it out and marvel at how cool and professional my blog seems now. As opposed to my DIY template, that looked like a five year old had something to do it with.
Hopefully, it shall inspire me to post more too.
On the other hand though, I lost a lot of wonderful widgets. The clustermaps showing me where people were visiting from. My stat counter. And most importantly of all, those little numbers that showed me how many people had visited my blog in a year and a half of its existence. And to think I was almost up to 10,000. Out of which around 9,999 would have been obsessively checking.
Anyhoo, I shall be up and running full steam again soon.
As far as the speaker in the header goes, I seem to find myself doing a lot less whispering these days and a lot more yelling, shouting, screaming and generally being the loudest person wherever I go.
And now that I mention it, the idea of a new moniker has taken a hold of me. Should I change? Shouldn't I? Does Gentle Whispers really go with my posts?
What do YOU think?