Every time I tell somebody I want to be a sports journalist. They wonder why. Why a girl wants to do sports journalism? Why I'm not interested in maybe Page 3 or fashion journalism? What do I see in sports?
And more often than not, I'm stumped for words. I really don't know how to explain to them about how much I love sports. About how its an integral part of whom I am. Of how my life's blood is sports. Of how it's imprinted on my heart and engraved in my soul. It's a tough thing to explain. Especially to those people who've never played a sport.
I've played basketball all my life and I can't remember ever not loving it or imagine not being into it. No matter how busy I am. My life revolves around it. I'm constantly looking for information on what's happening in Mumbai, the national level and even the NBA. It's why I go to watch tournaments even when I'm not playing, so I can appreciate the skills and talents of other players who are much much better than me. It's what makes me wake up at 5-6 in the morning to watch the NBA and believe me, I am NOT a morning person. It's what makes my world go around.
They don't know the feeling you get before you step onto the court. That mixture of excitement and nervousness. The absolute joy you get when your playing. The crushing sense of disappointment when you lose. Being absolutely euphoric when you win. The satisfaction of a game well-played and a shot well-taken. The letdown when a shot is missed or when your coach benches you. There are no words for something like that.
Except to the people who've played a sport; basketball, football, hockey anything. They know the indescribable emotions you go through.
I live to meet them.
@ Xorkes: Thanks. :D