Over the last two days, I've slept for a grand total of 7 hours and therefore, I am now finding it extremely difficult to concentrate on the mountain of files piled on my desk and screaming to be dealt with. Instead, I am overwhelmed by the urge to blog, but what about, I wasn't too sure, my writing muse having last been seen cackling madly and disappearing away into the sunset.
When in such dire straits, what else is there to do but take up one of the millions of tags floating around the Internet. So without much further ado, here we go:
1. What have you realized recently?
That I am not the model of perfection I always thought I was and some changes might be in order.
2. Have you given your first kiss away?
I'm not one to kiss and tell. Well, not on public forums anyway.
3. If you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 5 blog buddies you would take?
Ahem, hard choices, but fine, The Mad Momma, Una Madridista, Not Quite Nigella, Yonearthnot and Dylan 4th Dimension
4. Where is the place you want to go the most?
London once again
5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
That I could make a trip around the world, going first class everywhere.
6. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
Of course, and the pot of gold at the end of it
7. What are you afraid of losing the most now?
My sense of humour
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Pay off the home loan I've taken and travel around the world...
9.If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
I'd probably run away and hide
10. List out 3 good points about the person who tagged you
Ummm... I'd like to list out three good points about myself, but that might count as bragging.
11.What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Quick wit, an ability to laugh at themselves and a love for football
12. What type of people do you hate the most?
People who take themselves too seriously
13. What is the one thing you can’t live without?
14. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
I'd like to say I have no faults, but then I'd be called Cleopatra, Queen of Denial. I don't mind my faults being pointed out, it's the harping on about it that I wouldn't enjoy
15. this Q has been stolen
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
I'm not a shopaholic. What I am is a compulsive spender.
17.Find a word to describe the person who tagged you
Awesome, Amazing, Fantabulous!
18.If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My sarcasm
19. What’s the last shocking thing you’ve seen or heard?
I'd love to reveal, but alas, they're not my scandals to share
20. Would you rather have love but no money or money but no love?
Both. I'd like to have both. Who says you can't have it all.