I have a new template in case you didn't notice.
And yes, I know it's been only a month since I changed the old one. But I can't stick with one thing for too long. And I fell in love with this template the minute I saw it.
It's pretty. And I think it goes beautifully with my blog. And I like it. And well, I don't think I really need to say anything else, do I?
It does have a few kinks though. So bear with me while I iron them out.
But I am proud of the fact that I've managed to blog roll almost all the blogs I read which is no mean feat. Unlike last time, where I lost half the blogs when I changed templates.
So anyway, please drop a line and tell me what you think of the new template.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.
And yes, I know it's been only a month since I changed the old one. But I can't stick with one thing for too long. And I fell in love with this template the minute I saw it.
It's pretty. And I think it goes beautifully with my blog. And I like it. And well, I don't think I really need to say anything else, do I?
It does have a few kinks though. So bear with me while I iron them out.
But I am proud of the fact that I've managed to blog roll almost all the blogs I read which is no mean feat. Unlike last time, where I lost half the blogs when I changed templates.
So anyway, please drop a line and tell me what you think of the new template.
Pretty please with a cherry on top.