As you may know, if you've been reading my blog , I started driving classes more than a month ago. I've been going for classes ever since then fairly regularly with a few missed classes here and there.
Anyway, my driving test was on Wednesday. For which I was supposed to present myself at the driving school at nine thirty which I did. And we set off in a sumo for the RTO at Mumbai Central. It was a rainy day and the entire time we were there, it poured. After waiting for a couple of hours, 8 other people from my driving school and me were given our forms and taken to an office, where we were made to submit our forms.
And the next thing I knew, they told me that the test was done with, passed had been written on the form without any actual test being conducted. And I would get my license in a couple of days, which I did today.
And I for one, am extremely disappointed by the whole process, it strikes me as really sad that this is the system which we're living in. Imagine if I turn out to be another Alistair Pereira, irresponsible and a bad driver, the drinking is something else, whatever had happened might not have happened, if only someone had taken my test and I had perhaps failed it or been made it to give it again.
As of now, I have no idea what kind of driver I am, until my dad gives me a chance to drive his car. I don't know whether I'm good or bad. Whether I have judgement and road sense or not. I would have liked feedback, whether positive or negative and if I had failed the test, I would have felt bad but perhaps not as bad as I am feeling right now knwoing that I didn't even give the damn test which would have taken all of 10 minutes and which I'd have gracefully sacrificed.
And now, that I've gotten my license I can only hope and pray that the license was well-deserved.
Anyway, my driving test was on Wednesday. For which I was supposed to present myself at the driving school at nine thirty which I did. And we set off in a sumo for the RTO at Mumbai Central. It was a rainy day and the entire time we were there, it poured. After waiting for a couple of hours, 8 other people from my driving school and me were given our forms and taken to an office, where we were made to submit our forms.
And the next thing I knew, they told me that the test was done with, passed had been written on the form without any actual test being conducted. And I would get my license in a couple of days, which I did today.
And I for one, am extremely disappointed by the whole process, it strikes me as really sad that this is the system which we're living in. Imagine if I turn out to be another Alistair Pereira, irresponsible and a bad driver, the drinking is something else, whatever had happened might not have happened, if only someone had taken my test and I had perhaps failed it or been made it to give it again.
As of now, I have no idea what kind of driver I am, until my dad gives me a chance to drive his car. I don't know whether I'm good or bad. Whether I have judgement and road sense or not. I would have liked feedback, whether positive or negative and if I had failed the test, I would have felt bad but perhaps not as bad as I am feeling right now knwoing that I didn't even give the damn test which would have taken all of 10 minutes and which I'd have gracefully sacrificed.
And now, that I've gotten my license I can only hope and pray that the license was well-deserved.
Congrats anyway, and remember what Mr Miyagi told Daniel-san in the original Karate Kid: "Just remember, licence never replace eye, ear, mind." (Or similar!)