Tashi Delay
And in case your wondering what the hell that means, it's Tibetan for "I honour and respect the place in you in which resides courage and wisdom."
And I for one, love this greeting. So much better than just 'Hi'.
May has been a month of traveling and I don't know where to begin. But everything has to start somewhere. And I'll start with my Wilson College Nature Club trek to the North-East.
I filled in pages and pages in my notebook on this trek and I'm going to do my best to put some of it down here. As much as I can before laziness overcomes me.
But its more important to be nice
And it comes from HomeCooked. And I just cant find the words to thank her enough for this award.
“This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people, good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!”
And the people I would like to pass this award on to are :-
1) Mynie Moe: This one comes as no surprise. I love this girl and always have. And her support has been invaluable to me in and out of the blogging world as well. And I haven't met anybody nicer than her.
2) Whiny the Moo : She was an old schoolmate and we lost touch after school. And this blog reconnected us. She's been one of my staunchest supporters. Unfailingly commenting on my blog and generally being the wonderful person that she is.
3) Xorkes : Another school friend and someone I'm glad I have on this blog for the brilliant sparky person that she is.
4) The Juiceman : He was one of my earliest commenters and though he's way too busy with his life to comment now. He gave me some much needed support and feedback right at the very beginning.
And in case your wondering what the hell that means, it's Tibetan for "I honour and respect the place in you in which resides courage and wisdom."
And I for one, love this greeting. So much better than just 'Hi'.
May has been a month of traveling and I don't know where to begin. But everything has to start somewhere. And I'll start with my Wilson College Nature Club trek to the North-East.
I filled in pages and pages in my notebook on this trek and I'm going to do my best to put some of it down here. As much as I can before laziness overcomes me.
But before all of that, there is something I have to mention here. Something that has touched me so so much and is one of the best awards, (also my very first award!!!!)I could have ever received.
It's nice to be important
But its more important to be nice
And it comes from HomeCooked. And I just cant find the words to thank her enough for this award.
“This award will be awarded to those that are just nice people, good blog friends and those that inspire good feelings and inspiration! Those that care about others that are there to lend support or those that are just a positive influence in our blogging world!”
And the people I would like to pass this award on to are :-
1) Mynie Moe: This one comes as no surprise. I love this girl and always have. And her support has been invaluable to me in and out of the blogging world as well. And I haven't met anybody nicer than her.
2) Whiny the Moo : She was an old schoolmate and we lost touch after school. And this blog reconnected us. She's been one of my staunchest supporters. Unfailingly commenting on my blog and generally being the wonderful person that she is.
3) Xorkes : Another school friend and someone I'm glad I have on this blog for the brilliant sparky person that she is.
4) The Juiceman : He was one of my earliest commenters and though he's way too busy with his life to comment now. He gave me some much needed support and feedback right at the very beginning.
Thankees again! :D You've made a cow happy! :P