I had a whole birthday blog planned. On turning 21. And I even wrote around half of it.
But then I came across this at the MadMomma and I had to provide a link about it here. I'm one of those people who doesn't really see the point of waxing. I have better things to do in the hour or so it takes to wax my arms and legs. And I am the butt of ridicule by my friends for this.
This is not to say, that I don't wax at all. I do, but it isn't a religion for me. I don't feel ashamed if my arms and legs are covered in hair and I couldn't care two hoots about what other people have to say. And I say this despite the fact that I live in shorts
Anyway, I think I'll stop blabbering now and let you read it. All about why you don't really need to wax. Because she says it all ever so eloquently.
But then I came across this at the MadMomma and I had to provide a link about it here. I'm one of those people who doesn't really see the point of waxing. I have better things to do in the hour or so it takes to wax my arms and legs. And I am the butt of ridicule by my friends for this.
This is not to say, that I don't wax at all. I do, but it isn't a religion for me. I don't feel ashamed if my arms and legs are covered in hair and I couldn't care two hoots about what other people have to say. And I say this despite the fact that I live in shorts
Anyway, I think I'll stop blabbering now and let you read it. All about why you don't really need to wax. Because she says it all ever so eloquently.