The New Year is a time for resolutions. To make pacts and to promise yourself however foolishly that this time your going to stick to your vows and not abandon them halfway through and I've been thinking about my resolutions for the New Year ever since November and I think I at least have my basic goals and aspirations for the year ahead firmly in place now. And they are as below in random order.
a) Lose Weight:
I've never been hung up on the way I look. I don't hate myself but neither do I love myself and at the best of times, I think I'm thoroughly average-looking. But lately I've not been very happy with myself. And a lot of this has been down to my recent weight gain. I don't feel confident and fit, my stamina levels are way down as well and that has upset me more than anything and I need to recapture that.
b) Read Books:

My family and friends think I read entirely too much. I, on the other hand, think I don't read enough and I think I've read less than I ever have before this year. So, in 2013, I'm leaning on lists such as this and this to get myself back on track once again. It's not that I won't be reading any books outside of these, but I'm going to try and read everyone on them as my own personal task for this year.

f) Self-improvement: While this has been a good year, both in terms of work and my personal life, I definitely haven't done enough to enrich myself and this year I plan to take up the Spanish language courses I've been postponing for ages, as well as the dance classes. Hopefully, I'll end 2013 having learned something new.
g) Travel tales: As I once told a colleague, the entire world is like an apple that I want to take a bite out of and I want to travel everywhere. So I hope this year is better than the last in terms of travelling. And let's face it, 2012 was EPIC! I'm hoping I get to travel for work but beyond that I'm already planning my own trips to Tarkali in Maharashtra, Ladakh up north and to Spain, Turkey and Canada. So I'm going to do my best to ensure it all happens!
Besides these, I have some other resolutions that are just as if not more important, but more private and much more personal for me to talk about on here. So let's keep our fingers crossed that I reach my goals for the year ahead.
And equally, I hope that 2013 sees more good than bad, more happiness than grief, more desire than despair and much more sunshine than clouds.