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Showing posts from May, 2009

Party Pooper

I am now officially scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas about posts, and this is what it has resulted in. You have been duly warned however, so read on at your own peril. You know how it is when your at a party or at a sleepover and it's around four am in the morning and things are starting to quiet down, with people drifting off to sleep. And you know how there's always one incessantly loud person, who refuses to go sleep, who's batteries haven't wound down yet, the one who annoys the heck outta everybody. That's me. I'm that loud annoying person. The later it gets and the sleeper everybody else gets, the more energetic I get. And I refuse to let people go to sleep. Well, unless I'm indulging in some activities of my own, which I refuse to elaborate on considering this is a family blog and being stoned to death is not my idea of the best way to meet my Maker. Anyway, I want them to do something. Dance, talk, sing. SOMETHING!! The last party I was at...


I've always loved Sundays. During school, it was the one day of a week when my parents were at home. We'd get a chance to do things around the house. Stocking up for the week ahead. Having a special family lunch. A nap after that and visiting family and friends in the evening. I loved Sundays even more when I started work. Sunday was MY day off. When I could relax and do absolutely anything I wanted to do. Potter around the house, talk on the phone, catch up on all my television viewing and read my books at leisure. But it's not so anymore. Ever since I switched jobs. I now work weekends and take my offs on Monday. And it sucks. It throws everything out of schedule. When I'm free to do absolutely anything I want to do, everybody else is going to work. On the brighter side, I don't have Monday blues anymore. I just hate Tuesdays now.

Changing times

This post has been simmering in my mind for a while. Since Christmas to be precise. But better late than never I always say. Remember the friends I talked about here? We've been, for as long as I can remember, the eight of us. KD, RM, LS, AP, LL, NR, NE and me, with a few people coming and going over the years and friends outside our extremely tight circle. Four guys and four girls. I shifted out of my old colony and we rarely met, what with college, exams, sports, trips et all. We normally met on birthdays, Easter, Christmas, New Year, family functions, with a few people missing sometimes. But no matter how often we met or not at all, the bond was always there, strong and holding fast. Binding us together. We always knew we could call each other at any time of the night and know they'd be there for us in a second and that's the way it stayed. Christmas Eve especially was a special special night. No matter, what else we might have missed, Christmas Eve was something we were...


There are days when I hate my job. Today is not one of those days. Today I absolutely cannot stand my job. I'm very irritated, grumpy, frustrated, irascible and whiny. And I want to pick up my chair and smash it on my computer. Capish? I'm so irritated in fact, that the next person who speaks to me is probably going to get his head bitten off and I'm quite relishing the idea. The best part. It's 9:30 pm IST and I still have four hours to go. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Do you know what else I hate? The goddamn general elections. That's what. Thank god it's bloody over.

A new template

I have a new template in case you didn't notice. And yes, I know it's been only a month since I changed the old one. But I can't stick with one thing for too long. And I fell in love with this template the minute I saw it. It's pretty. And I think it goes beautifully with my blog. And I like it. And well, I don't think I really need to say anything else, do I? It does have a few kinks though. So bear with me while I iron them out. But I am proud of the fact that I've managed to blog roll almost all the blogs I read which is no mean feat. Unlike last time, where I lost half the blogs when I changed templates. So anyway, please drop a line and tell me what you think of the new template. Pretty please with a cherry on top.


It's been a busy three weeks for me. The barely having time to breathe kinda days which rush by and leave you exhilarated and happy. I went for a camping trip recently. A five day long trip. To a place near Lonavla. The YMCA has a campsite there called Camp Lakeside. And it is hands down, one of the most brilliant places places you could ever hope to go too. It has rock climbing, rappelling, a 200 feet deep lake to swim in, rifle-shooting and a lot of games and fun. Days started at 6 am and ended at 12 in the night for us counselors. Exhausting, at times frustrating days. Would I do it again? You betcha' ass I would. It helped me rediscover my love for the outdoors. And for that I'll be forever grateful.

Barcelona Beauty

Did anyone watch Barcelona versus Real Madrid in the 'El Classico' match of the year? Wasn't Barcelona absolutely marvellous? Xavi, Iniesta, Thierry Henry, Messi. All so so brilliant. Especially the Spanish players. I want to adopt them all. Sigh.