Its raining tags again and I was tagged for this by Homecooked . 1) Last Movie You Saw in a Theatre One Missed Call 2) What book are you reading? Black Friday- The True Story of the Bombay Bomb Blasts 3) Favourite Board Game Game of Life/ Scrabble 4) Favourite Magazine Reader's Digest, The Economist, Cosmopolitan 5) Favourite Smell Melting cheese The smell of a new book or the mustiness of an old one Clairol Herbal Essences Shampoo 6) Favourite Sounds A basketball being dribbled The Azaan My 7 year old cousin's laughter 7) Worst feeling in the world Loneliness 8) What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Why the hell does the bloody alarm clock have to go off so soon? 9) Favourite Fast Food Place McDonalds. Without a doubt 10) Future Child's Name I havent really thought about it but I've always liked Ethan 11) Finish this statement- "If I had a lot of money, I'd" do whatever the hell I wanted to do 12) Do you drive fast? I dont drive. :( 13) W...