I tried accessing someone's blog recently, only to realise that it was now private. And since that's something I've been contemplating doing for a while now, it hit me. I started work as you all know, a month ago. And since I sometimes access my blog at work, because I find it hard to stay away from the goings on in the blogging world for more than a few hours, a colleague of mine has noticed and has been asking for the link to my blog, which I've been avoiding rather successfully. But sooner or later, she'll put me on the spot, and then I'll be in a quandry. I'm not worried about her accessing the blog because there are personal things she'll know about me. But because in a way, it'll take away my honesty, where else would I crib about my work and everything else, if not here. And I'd hate for them to get the wrong impression simply because, while I might crib, I don't really let it affect me or my interactions with people. But seeing it up ...