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Showing posts from December, 2008

Good thing

One good thing about work, is that it seems to get me to publish a lot more posts. It's like I'm paid... to BLOG! Which is not to say,t hat i don't work extremely hard, because of course I do! Wipe that snigger off your face this minute

Weekend Bliss

Or is it Blues? I have a long hectic potentially jam packed weekend ahead of me. Nothing that I'm looking forward to very much in fact. Or am I? I don't know. I've been virtually strapped into my seat for the last eight hours. Surviving on an orange. And because I know you won't tell anyone, a burger and fries from McDonald's, but before you judge me that was approximately four hours. I've got a big night ahead of me too. A pseudo communion celebration for my cousin (don't ask!), a night out on the town celebration courtesy my friend's 21st birthday, a trip to college tomorrow to retrieve leaving certificate which I applied for sometime in May and since then have been too lazy to collect and transcripts. Another wedding I really don't want to go for in the evening, but which my Mum has coerced me into going for because I'm the youngest in the family. I'd much rather go play some volleyball and take out my frustrations by smashing the ball int...

Randomity- Part Deux

It is now exactly 4:55 pm. Another hour and five minutes until I'm officially supposed to leave work. And if I don't leave by 6, so help me God, I'm going to morph into uber bitch. Because today is the day I start working out. Born of my inability to play any sport for more than a hour without wanting to keel over and die. I'm also super hungry and having eaten ghaas-phoos , also known as vegetarian food all day, I'm craving one of those super soft spicy sausage rolls from one of my favourite bakeries in the world. Which I'm supposed to avoid, laced with calories and carbs as they are. And which is unfortunately right opposite the railway station and stares me in the face, ever time I go home. Phbbt. What makes this worse, is I need to go to my friendly(NOT!!) neighbourhood library and return the 15,000 books I picked up a month back and which the old man there is going to rip me off on late fees all the while smiling his fake smile and chattering nonsensically....


I just came across this post on my blog a while back. Is it just me or does the word 'Urges' sound ummmm... a bit perverted? And you know what makes it even more weird, the post before it that says 'Balm' I know what your going to say, I really need to think before I put up post titles, but after a job that consists of giving head lines and intros and sub heads to shoddy pieces of writing, it's the last thing on my mind. Update : I just reread this. And how jobless was I? Sheesh. I embarass myself.

It's back

It's back. With even more panic and confusion than usual. This time I'm around, I'm even more afraid. The last time this happened was around the time I was graduating college, when I didn't know what to do next . I knew I wanted to study further, but what, where and how completely flummoxed me and I decided it would be best for me perhaps to work for a year, so I would get a clearer idea of what I wanted to do next in life. And now it's December and I've know I've got approximately four months until I start putting in applications for whatever it is I wanted to. Yes, I'm aware that four months is a hell of a long time, but I don't want to work that way. I know me. And one of my many many skills is procrastination. And if I know I have a 120 days until I have to absolutely get off my fat ass and do something, I'm not going to do anything but postpone. Also, another reason is, I'd like to definitely know what it is that I want to do and where ...


December is hands down my favourite month of the year. There's always so much to do. Parties to go to, people to meet, clothes to buy and food to eat. But I haven't really been feeling like it's December yet. Almost christmas that too. Until today that is. I stumbled across a blog, Finding La Dolce Vita and I heard We wish you a Merry Christmas. Finally, I'm in the spirit of the season. Woohoo.. Also, on a completely unrelated matter, is there anything hotter than a guy who dances well? Seriously, is there?

Khoon Chala

Rang De Basanti. One of my favourite movies. I don't care what others have to say about it, whether the message was right or no. I love it for the music, for the characters, for Aamir Khan and Kunal Kapoor, for the friendships, for the love, for the rebellion. My favourite moments in the movie have always been the funny ones. The ones that had me laughing. But with each time, I watch the movie. Something changes. And now the moments I appreciate the most are the ones that are hard-hitting and poignant. The song Khoon Chala in particular, when Atul Kulkarni looks up at the politician who's his mentor and realises that his idol has feet of clay. That for me, is the moment in the entire movie. Especially poignant these days, don't you think?

Of opinions and more

Everybody seems to be spouting an opinion on the Mumbai attack these days, including me. And often what we've been hearing has much repeated. But these two articles that appeared in the New York Times. One by Thomas L Friedman and the other by Suketu Mehta , made a lot of sense to me as well as made for some interesting reading.


It;s been two days since the terror attacks and Mumbai still seems to be reeling from the effects of the terror attacks. The anger and the rage is overflowing. People are displaying unabashed hatred for our politicians. And promises are being made of how we aren't going to take this lying down and how we're going to fight back. But I'm a little bit cynical, I wonder how how long before we forget and move on to dealing with our daily lives, until the next time 180 people are killed and over 300 injured. But at the same time I'm proud. Proud of the stories I'm hearing of people, who've saved multiple lives. Who risked their own lives for others. The stories are pouring in now and they're heartwarming especially the one of VD Zende, the announcer at CST, who saved hundreds of lives with his quick thinking and presence of mind. I've been going around telling everyone his story and his bravery ranks right up there with those of the NSG commandos and police fo...