It's back. With even more panic and confusion than usual. This time I'm around, I'm even more afraid. The last time this happened was around the time I was graduating college, when I didn't know what to do next . I knew I wanted to study further, but what, where and how completely flummoxed me and I decided it would be best for me perhaps to work for a year, so I would get a clearer idea of what I wanted to do next in life. And now it's December and I've know I've got approximately four months until I start putting in applications for whatever it is I wanted to. Yes, I'm aware that four months is a hell of a long time, but I don't want to work that way. I know me. And one of my many many skills is procrastination. And if I know I have a 120 days until I have to absolutely get off my fat ass and do something, I'm not going to do anything but postpone. Also, another reason is, I'd like to definitely know what it is that I want to do and where ...