I saw this post on Moo's blog and my total lack of imagination has led me to stealing an idea from her. I've hit new levels of pathetic. Along with new levels of melodrama. Anyway, this post made me think because maybe even a year or so back. I would have been right in there, shaking my head vigorously agreeing with her. I was the baby hater. I couldn't stand whiny, crying babies with a lot of demands. I was so anti-baby, that I even told my back up friend, y'know back up friend ? Anyway, I made it clear to him from the very beginning that as and when we were married, we would adopt and not young babies but kids who were at the very least four years old. I cringed when babies entered trains anticipating loud yells and an end to the peaceful ride home. I detested kids who entered buses and had to be given seats. Babies in shopping malls and theaters. Which is why my next statement will come as a big shock to a lot of people. I've crossed over to the other side. *han...